Roxy Gordon – “An Open Letter To Illegal Aliens”

Roxy Gordon – “An Open Letter To Illegal Aliens”

Paradise of Bachelors is reissuing Roxy Gordon’s 1988 album Crazy Horse Never Died on May 12th. Regrettably, I’d never heard of the late Choctaw, Assiniboine, and Texan poet, journalist, artist, activist, and musician Roxy Gordon (First Coyote Boy) who passed in 2000, but reading about his lifelong accomplishments, plus the fact that Townes and Terry Allen loved him, had me intrigued.

Gordon’s sound is John Prine meets John Trudell, with an mistakeable twang lending traces of levity to his straightforward, scathing yet truthful narrative reflecting on identity and history. The latest single is a wry and all too true take on capitalism, colonialism, and the arbitrary, absurd nature of both, questioning the paradigmatic nature of society as it was and unfortunately remains. Listen and become enlightened.

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