Palmaria shimmer in meditative hazy-pop number “Lluvia”

Palmaria shimmer in meditative hazy-pop number “Lluvia”

Delving into themes of rebirth and trusting your destiny, the track is a hypnotic slice of neo-soul framed by soothing vocals. Sweet and meditative, “Lluvia” strips away any bluster, leaving listeners to soak up the vulnerabilities that the duo offer within a soundscape built on silky, jazz-tinged rhythm and meditative melodies.

Speaking of the inspiration behind the emotive track, the duo says, “More than ever, we need to rely on ourselves to use our vulnerability to create something valuable, pick up the pieces and start over. When we stop putting pressure on ourselves and we focus on what’s really important, we can reverse the rain and find renewed energy to move forward.”

Directing anyone who stumbles across their music into a sonic world thrumming with intricate instrumentals, Palmaria’s music is an escapist fantasy offering listeners short reprieves away from the monotony of life. Following the success of their previous release “Saudade”, the pair have again established their ability to craft immersive pop productions anchored by emotional strength and elevated by gentle sonic twists.

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